Each day, about 4,000,000 blogs are created. That’s 45 blogs per second. With this statistic, you might be wondering, “Should I start a blog?” or “What are the steps to start a career in blogging?”
Of ample reasons answering the question- “Why should anyone take up blogging?” here are major of them:
- Blogging has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news.
- It’s a great way to express yourself and also a fantastic way to share information with others.
- You become a better person and a better writer.
- The best reason? You can make money doing it!
Ready to improve your productivity by blogging? Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Choose Your Forte:
Evaluate yourself honestly on what you’d be blogging about. It could be a particular topic like lifestyle, food, travel, law, comedy, economics, or any other topic you think people would relate to and love to know more about. More the engagement, more would be your chances of growing rapidly. Your blogging site can also be a vivid and subtle mix of more than one topic. Discuss with fellow bloggers, your first circle or even strangers on what they think about the topic/s you choose and don’t be afraid to get critical feedback, you are going to need it. Finally, ask yourself- Is this YOU? Do you enjoy doing it? Is it a good idea?
- Choose Your PLATFORM:
Choosing where you’d want to build your blog is very important. There are many blogging platforms available. While WordPress is the most sought after, Blogger and Tumblr (half social network, half blog. Interesting, and very simple to use) are the next best alternatives.
Why is WordPress bigger than the rest of the two?
- Super easy set-up and is free to use
- Tons of free themes and layouts (I’m not kidding, there’s gazillions).
- There’s a massive support forum in case you get stuck (you won’t, but it’s nice to have it there if you need it).
- Your blog will be insanely fast.
- People can interact with you easily. Your content can be shared, commented on, and so on.
For detailed comparison, check this out:
3. Get it Hosted:
Slow down here a bit! You, now, have to decide whether to pay for your blog or to grab a free one. While WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger offer free blogs and are perfect for those who aren’t serious about blogging, getting it self-hosted for free has its downsides:
- You won’t be able to get your own domain name: On a free blog, your URL address would look like- xyz.wordpress.com or xyz.blogspot.com or xyz.tumblr.com
- You won’t get access to free themes on WordPress, you won’t get to upload all those images and videos you wanted to show to everyone- it’s all limited.
Simple. Get it self-hosted on your own domain name. You can purchase one from GoDaddy or Hostgator or any other platform and get started with whatever name you want from the ones that are available. Your blog would then have a URL- xyz.com/xyz.in/xyz.org etc.
P.S. – Purchasing a domain name won’t even dig a hole in your pocket.
- Work on the Design
Next step after getting a domain name is to get the right design for your blog.
- Choose from a zillion of themes available online (free or paid) and get working on the same. You can completely rework and design the theme as per your wish.
- Head over to social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube and register the same name (your blog name) on all these social media accounts. This is necessary because anyone else might make an account with your name and that’ll be pretty awkward. Be active on social media & keep posting all updates.
- It’s not a necessary condition to be an excellent writer for doing well in the field of blogging. In case you have a decent flair for writing and are writing long posts, make sure you engage your viewers till the end and they don’t bounce back mid-way. For those of you whose strength doesn’t lie in writing, it is necessary that you support your post with high-quality images that go well with your article. You can get clear images with your smartphone or a DSLR.
Last but not the least- Get Started! Start posting blogs- start with one blog a week, progress as you continue. In case you are uncertain of what type of a blogger you should be, keeping in mind your daily routine- head over to our article “Different types of bloggers.”
Writing articles in listicles like “10 things you should………” or “5 places………….”etc. add preciseness to the blog and make it more engaging. The takeaways for the viewers become very obvious. If you want your blog to rank higher in the search engines, right content+ catchy images+ a bit of personal touch always does the magic.
This was a beginners’ guide mentioning the steps to start a career in blogging. Once you follow these steps and invest your time and heart into blogging about what you’re passionate about, you’d be able to monetize your blog.
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