With the progressing time, as the world seems to merge into a united sphere, acculturating with different ideas, perspectives, and opinions, we are seeing an era of unconventional careers, breaking the traditional roots of stereotyping genders within its well-defined realms.
Today, we see women and men taking up professions, which were considered forbidden and were shunned by society. Careers were limited to social and physical constraints that were based on orthodox ideologies and beliefs.
Now as the doors are opening, changing, and redefining the societal paradigms, we see different genders getting engaged into careers that are not only challenging but hold onto the theme of equal opportunity, and the sense of freedom that allows one to take up anything that they love.
Careers that Break Gender Stereotypes
Here we will explore the 5 unconventional careers that break gender stereotypes and are changing the trends in education.
1. Defence Forces
Joining the Defence force was considered to be typically restricted within the male domain.
But, that has changed!
Now, we see women getting posted on warships to operating the Rafale jet. The Defence Forces that involve the Indian Navy, Air Force, and the Army, are welcoming women, giving them equal stature in terms of training and positions.
We see women joining with equal vigor and determination to serve the nation. They take part in all the physical activities, training, and duties that were categorically assigned to men.
Above all, your gender does not take away the prospects of getting promoted to senior positions and enjoying special privileges that every officer is entitled to.
So, if you are planning to join the Defence Forces, but reconsidering this career due to the perceived limitations of being a woman, then you must stop doubting yourself.
To be more confident of your decision, try to analyse and understand your intention behind joining the Defence Forces. Ask yourself: what is the reason that compelled you to think about joining the force?
If you get the answer, you can make your decision based on that and remain steady with it.
Every career will make you come across many hurdles and obstacles, but if you are steadfast with your decision then nothing can come in your way to stop you from achieving it.
2. Cinematography
The world of cinema can be really intriguing if you love to brew different stories and want to see them come to life.
The film-making process involves many components and multiple levers through which every step in the process can be executed. So, the processes are:
- Preproduction
- Production
- Post-production
Cinematography falls under the components involved in the production process. This means that, with the help of the cinematographers, the directors and the actors, can manipulate the visuals of the story.
They carry big heft equipment, and meticulously records every shot in the captivating order so that they can weave out the most perfect scene.
Hence, it was seen that men dominated this field, coz handling equipment was stereotypically associated with them, which took away the main essence of cinematography, related to the aesthetics of the scene.
Now, we can see women slowly stepping in and proving the common perceptions wrong.
Many famous Indian Movies have been cinematographed by women, which is making this field really lucrative, and an attractive career to be pursued.
3. Pilot
Careers in Aviation is surely attracting more and more women, snapping the age-old ideas of men being better drivers.
We are witnessing many women pilots, flying out towards distant lands, in high altitudes. This domain seems to be one of the most popular choices in terms of careers that break gender stereotypes.
Interestingly, in India, the percentage of women pilot is twice as high as in most western countries. This highlights an interesting rising curve that bears a message of equality in terms of opportunities.
As the genders get balanced in any profession, it automatically welcomes the premises where all the genders can hold their heads high and equally participate in activities without being demarcated. It also brings about a change in the way society perceives things and starts creating definitions.
So if you think you want to become a pilot, you must start planning your career accordingly, and stand by your resolution.
4. Classical Dancer
When talking about women being shunned from few professions, here is another career that men hesitate to pursue out of the fear of being judged.
The concept of a man putting on makeup, and engaging in graceful moves to showcase Indian epics and mythological characters, portraying the different moods of a particular performance, has always been ridiculed by people.
Art, culture, and ecstasy involve an essence of emotions, transcending the senses into realms that redefine life and moments. Hence, careers that allow such elements can never be limited to the notion of expressions being not manly enough.
If you are passionate about art, cultures, and dance, your gender should never be the reason to take you away from it. Instead, make your desire to achieve your dream career strong enough so that nothing can stop you from being successful and changing the world around you.
5. Nurse
Nurse and women have a very long association, as the role of a nurse is to be a caregiver. This misunderstood representation takes away the fact that even men can provide care and be sensitive.
Hence, a career in nursing has typically been a woman’s profession, with a very little percentage of men being a part of it. But, men in nursing can equally benefit patients, giving all the necessary care needed for them to heal.
Nursing is also a very rewarding profession in the medical field that enables you to understand the nitty-gritty of the domain. Hence, this career can never be chosen on the basis of preconceived notions.
Although women outnumber men in the nursing career, the present is welcoming many men into this profession, bolstering the ratio, and looking forward to a worldview that respects people and their choices.
So if you want to join the nurse force and be a contributor to the medical domain, then don’t let any ridicule or prejudices stand in your way.
Careers are varied, and multivariates into different directions, buttressing life choices with exciting options. But the idea behind a wonderful life is to make those choices that you identify with yourself and enjoy doing the most.
Hence, it is important that you make decisions that are not influenced by external factors. The secret towards a fulfilling future is to have the courage to be yourself and pursue your passion that makes your purpose fulfilled. As more and more people become a part of this belief, the world will soon expand towards careers that will define the next decade.
So, break any stereotype that prevents you from moving ahead with your dreams. If you need any help with regards to career guidance and coaching, then you can contact us now.