How important is money? It’s a question many of us have pondered over at least once in our lives.
Money is undeniably important in life. You can’t pay your bills and feed your family on just love and passion, and this is a harsh truth. However, there do exist a certain type of people who have no concern for money and what it can do for them. They find no pleasure in luxuries such as expensive watches, fine clothes, and a big house. Their only aim in life is to follow their passion and create things, even if that means that they live hand-to-mouth. And then on the other end, there are people who have no passion in life but to chase money. You will be surprised to know that both kinds of people end up leading happy, full lives. There are different kinds of people, and thus, there is no single answer to whether you should seek money or not.
I am of the belief that happiness derived from money is often fleeting. The day you buy your first Rolex might be the most memorable one of your life, that thrill, that exhilarating rush of emotions, it would indeed be an ecstatic moment. But with each Rolex you buy, that elation would fade away, slowly and slowly, until a day would come when it would stop making any difference. Thus, money is important, even vital, but only up to a point.
There are many people who earn copious amounts of money, but end up miserable, because their work was not what they wanted to do in the first place. Before making a decision between money and passion, introspect on this- will you really be happy 5 years down the line in a job you don’t like? Is a big-fat-check and expensive luxuries all you want out of life?
Sacrificing your passion for money would not make a difference at first, as the ample money and nice, shiny objects would be there to fill the hole in your heart. But remember, it is not an object you would be sacrificing, it is your life. Your career takes up 70% of your adult life. The average span of a career is 40 years, 70% of which would amount to 28 years spent at work.
28 years= 245280 hours= 14716800 minutes
That is a huge amount of time commitment to something that you dislike doing!
Pursuing your passion might not always shower you with money or make you a top-of-the-line executive, what it will give you, however, is satisfaction. The satisfaction of working on something that is close to your heart, something that kindles your inner fire, and something you are good at. Finding such a passion in life, and following through with it, is worth any kind of difficulties you might face to pursue it. Isn’t a simple life pursuing your life’s calling, with enough money to satisfy your needs, better than a life with heaps of money, but with no meaning or purpose?
There is another element to this. Even if you seek money in life, it’s better if you don’t chase after it. It is certainly true that there is money in all fields, you just need to make yourself worthy enough in order to obtain it. You might ask– how do I make myself worthy enough? The key words here are passion, aptitude, dedication, and perseverance. Look to integrate these factors into your life and career, and eventually, you will start earning money, whichever field it may be.
At an ending note, remember this quote-
I wish you all the best in your career and life that lies ahead!
Recommended Read: How to Make Your Passion a Career?
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