Meet X.
X likes to spend quiet nights at home, curled up, reading, than out partying in clubs with loud music and noisy people. When in a casual social situation, X doesn’t like to make small talk with strangers, and prefers that everyone leaves him alone. He looks to his headphones to save him from awkward conversations with new people. He does his best work when ruminating alone, than with a group of people.
Did this make you go, “How does she know so much about me? Is she a sorceress?” No, I am not (though, being a psychologist, I tend to hear that a lot). The guy X that I just described is someone many of you might be able to relate to. I get it, you are just not a “people person”. There are many who might just blindly term you as an “Introvert”. “Shy” and “Anti-Social” are also words that are thrown around without a thought, but that is just not you. You are simply a person who likes to keep to himself/herself, and interacting with people is not your idea of an enjoyable activity.
If you have ever thought that you can’t hold a successful career just because interacting with fellow humans is not your strong suit, don’t fret! Here is a list of careers that will keep your interaction with mortals to a minimum:
Can you picture yourself working with huge amounts of numbers and data all day? Then a career in actuarial sciences might be the one for you. It involves risk-assessment for the fields of insurance, banking and finance. You should have a strong hold on maths and statistics, as well as a love for numbers, in order to be successful. A career in actuarial sciences doesn’t require much interpersonal interaction on a daily basis, and you can just spend your day crunching numbers, not worrying about holding long discussions in team meetings.
Imagine yourself, bent over the laptop, writing codes to breach the firewall of a computer system’s network, all for the purpose of protecting the system’s security from malicious hackers. Did this image make you all awe-struck? Ethical hacking is making strides in the tech world, as companies are more concerned than ever about their network security. If you have a strong logical bend of mind, and are well-versed with programming languages, coding and computers, then you could find yourself very much in demand in the job market. What’s more, you would hardly be forced to talk to people, just you and your laptop, till the end of days.
Read: 5 Things to Do to Start Your Career In Ethical Hacking
What do Chartered Accountants, Chartered Financial Analyst, Cost Accountants, and Forensic Accountants have in common? They all have exceptional numerical aptitudes, and best of all, their jobs don’t require any unnecessary chit-chat with people. Careers in the field of commerce and accounts have stood the test of time as being some of the most sought-after and lucrative careers. But don’t get ensnared by the allure of money, to hold a successful career in this field, you require extraordinary perseverance to work with numbers day in and day out.
Engineering is inarguably one of the most popular careers in India. It is also a go-to career for those with a logical and technical bend of mind. There are numerous careers within the realm of engineering, with varying degrees of interaction required. Most fields of engineering such as computer science, mechanical, chemical etc. lie on the lower end of the interaction continuum, provided you stick to the field, and don’t run off to do an MBA. Technophiles, or those who like solving problems, are good with numbers, and have good analytical skills, are suitable candidates for holding a thriving career in engineering.
Read: Popular Myths About A Career in Engineering
5. Research
Research is a very broad domain, and can include research in any kind of field, be it the pure sciences, social sciences, medicine or education. Researchers, especially in the sciences, spend most of their day working in the laboratory or field conducting research or analyzing findings, and thus are saved from the task of frequently interacting with their co-workers and other people. The number of fields you can look at for specialization are huge, including food and agriculture, microbiology, chemistry, geology, pharmacology etc. These would of course require you to have the right scientific aptitude, excellent analytical skills, and a fondness for the specific field.
Graphic Design, UX and UI Design, is the incarnation of design for the digital age. Let your inner artist run free as you work out the details for websites, UIs, or products to make them visually appealing for the audience. The domain of Animation and Graphics lets you utilize your imagination and aesthetic-sense, in careers that are ever-rising in demand, as good design is an indispensable aspect of today’s technologically-oriented world. On top of this all, the interaction required in these careers is negligible and to-the-point, so it’s a win-win situation on both fronts.
So here it is, 6 domains of careers for introverts that don’t involve much interaction. Each of these fields demands a distinct set of skills, aptitudes, and traits to ensure success. Do your own research to find out what works best for you. And if you are still in doubt, it never hurts to seek expert help.
Have any more careers to add to this list? Share your suggestions in the comments!