Undoubtedly, the novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the daily lives of billions across the planet. Economies have been crumbling amid growing fears about the rapid spread of COVID-19. These unprecedented times have also taken a heavy toll on the education sector; universities and schools have suspended their ongoing academic terms and as a result, students around the world are starting to grow anxious about their futures.
How does the admission process change during the ongoing the coronavirus outbreak:
- Students who are interested in travelling overseas for an undergraduate/postgraduate education must deliberate with their family and career coaches over their options. Students must have an open mind to understand the risks associated with each of these options.
- It never hurts to have a backup plan; students who seek an international education must also now ponder their domestic options in order to develop a more holistic perspective toward their ideal careers.
- Numerous universities have also set up online groups for prospective students to connect and discuss their concerns. Doing so will allow you to meet with people who are in the same boat as you. It is important to recognize that you are not alone in these uncertain times and that we are all in this together!
Amid the virus hysteria, one must go the extra mile for determining the correct study program and university for oneself. This is also a wonderful opportunity for everyone to expand their horizons in the domains of academics and various co-curricular activities.
How to arrive at a conclusion?
- Be aware!
Prospective students must delve into the current economic, social, and political context of the regions where they intend to study. The containment measures that have been implemented throughout the globe have had a bearing on the economic and social contexts of various major cities and towns. You should strive to keep abreast of such developments and they unfold in the global arena. - Don’t be narrow-minded!
We strongly recommend that you seek transparency and straightforward answers from the admissions departments of the universities to which you wish to apply to. Doing so will help you make an informed decision and also allow you to understand how a specific university plans to conduct activities in the upcoming academic year. One must only believe information that is obtained from reliable sources, such as international media houses. - The boon of social media
Leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to keep tabs on the daily updates about the coronavirus situation in the cities and towns where you wish to study in the near future. You may also use these platforms to connect with the residents in such locations and get real-time information about the pandemic. - Virtual knowledge can have a real impact
In these testing times, it is important to not feel helpless and morose. One of the best ways to keep the melancholy at bay is to keep learning! A plethora of online courses have been made free of cost and you may access the same to gain valuable knowledge in several academic disciplines. This exercise will broaden your worldview and ensure that you stay sharp during this period of inactivity.
Be cautious, stay connected with your loved ones, and don’t forget to wash your hands!